Home Hair Loss Hair Loss Isn’t Just a Guy Thing. Here’s What to Do When It Happens to You

Hair Loss Isn’t Just a Guy Thing. Here’s What to Do When It Happens to You

4 min read

There is a general belief that hair loss is mostly a guy issue, but the facts say otherwise. Women are almost as likely as men to experience everything from mild thinning of their precious strands to significant or, in extreme cases, complete hair loss at some point in their life. Before you despair about all that hair you shed in the shower or comb out each morning, it’s perfectly normal to lose between 50 and 100 strands a day. The worry alarm should go off when you start spotting a considerable amount of hair on your pillow or if your strands fall out easily without tugging.

When it comes to hair thinning in women, we differ somewhat from men. Our hair usually starts withdrawing along the hairline and on the top of the scalp, while men’s hair loss happens at the forehead and crown. Before you tackle the best ways to treat thinning hair, it’s important to know what’s causing the hair loss.

Possible causes of thinning hair in women

Hair loss can be hereditary (alopecia aerata) or brought on by a variety of medical conditions, the most common being hormonal imbalances, anemia, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and skin disorders, such as dermatitis or psoriasis. It can also be triggered by psychological or physical trauma, such as periods of intense stress or large injuries, particularly those that require surgical procedures. Persistent use of hair dyes and various other styling products, especially if paired with constant blow drying and ironing, can weaken hair. Our strands can get damaged and start breaking, which can slowly lead to hair thinning and hair loss, particularly during pregnancy or menopause.

How to treat thinning hair in women

If you have already started losing hair, it’s important you do something about it right away. The longer you wait, the harder it is to reverse the process, so don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist, especially if your hair loss is sudden and extreme. For mild hair loss, there are a number of excellent thinning hair products that can help. Click through the slideshow above to learn your options.


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