Home Skin 6 Skin Care Tips Every Teenager Needs To Know

6 Skin Care Tips Every Teenager Needs To Know

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6 Skin Care Tips Every Teenager Needs To Know

In most cases, by the time a disciplined skin care routine is developed, we’re in our mid 20s and the sole purpose of it is damage control; sometimes to fight acne and other times, to minimize pores. If you start skin care ahead of the curve in your teens, it can sometimes lessen such issues and nurture healthy skin into your 20s. Even if you’re past your teens, these six skin care tips can benefit many of your younger buddies.

1. Type First

Before you do anything else, determine your skin type. It’s the foundation as to how you take care of your skin and will guide you to make the right choices when you purchase skin care and makeup products in the future.

(Also Read: Figure Out Your Skin Type In Just 3 Simple Steps)

2. Find A Routine

Your teens are the best time to find a solid skin care routine for yourself. Put your trust in a cleanser, toner and moisturiser twice a day to keep it clean and nourished without going overboard on products.

3. Pick Right

It’s important to find suitable products for young skin. Your basic skin need is to keep it moisturised and hygienic so keep that in mind when purchasing items. Stay far away from anti-ageing products of any kind as their potent ingredients are not intended for your gentle skin and can upset it.

4. Sunscreen

It’s a good time to start learning that sunscreen is the be-all and end-all of every skin care regime. The sun is one of the greatest causes of skin ageing, which not many know. Sunscreen protects from not just tanning and burning but also fine lines and wrinkles. Start ‘screening in your teens and you’ll have shielded skin for life.

5. Get Help

Teen years are also when hormonal changes are occurring which show directly on your skin. That’s why, you may suffer from issues like acne or dryness. You can always try home remedies for a week or two but if the problem persists, seek professional help. Consulting a skin specialist can treat a problem in time rather than it flaring up into an even larger issue in the years to come.

6. Find Balance

It’s natural to want to experiment with makeup at this age but remember to limit yourself to it. While the right makeup cannot directly do any harm to your skin, incorrect products, unsuitable ingredients or excessive usage can clog the pores and lead to a host of skin problems.




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