Home Hair Loss 10 tips to prevent hair loss

10 tips to prevent hair loss

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Hair loss

It’s not rare to find your comb, clogged with your hair strands, everyday. Hair loss can be controlled with the right haircare routine and awareness. Here is what you need to do to keep the hair loss issue at bay:

Tip 1: Coconut oil is the cornerstonefor every haircare regime. A regular coconut oil massage will help strengthen hair growth, right from the roots to the tip. It does this with the help of the moisture it contains which protects the hair shaft from any impurities that may cause hair damage.

Tip 2: Hair fall is a sign of lack of vitamins in your body. Amla is vitamin C rich and highinantioxidants which help solve most hair problems. Amla could be applied onto the scalp. You could prepare a small mixture by crushing an amla or using its powder. The crushed amla juice could be added to 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon. Mix well and apply to the scalp and leave it to dry; then rinse using warm water.

Tip 3: Eggs are great for treating hair loss as they contain proteins and minerals.  A hair pack containing egg whites and olive oil works very well for the hair. To prepare this, you’d need the white of one egg and mix in a teaspoon of olive oil. Beat it well to give a paste-like consistency and apply this to the scalp and hair. Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it with cool water and a mild shampoo.

Tip 4: Acupressure is known to stimulate hair growth considerably. Balayam, which is an acupressure therapy increases circulation in the scalp and stimulates hair growth. For this pose, you should sit in the padmasana pose and place your finger tips facing each other. Let yourthumbs be away from your fingers and rub the nails of one hand with those of the other hand. Make sure you rub only the broadest part of the nails together.

Tip 5: Other yoga asanas like kapalbhati, balayam and anulomvilomalso help hair growth. These asanascleanse our system and open blockages for proper oxygen and blood flow,which results in nourishing hair follicles.

Tip 6: Your diet plays an essential part in healthy hair growth. Proteins are one of the very important nutrients to stimulate hair growth significantly. They help new hair grow, in place of the old ones. Foods like beans, cheese, milk, nuts, grains, and fish, chicken should be included in your daily diet.

Tip 7: Lack of iron weakens hair, right from the roots,and causes itto fall excessively. Ensure you eat spinach, soybeans, dal, red kidney beans, chicken, meat, eggs and fish for iron intake.

Tip 8: With exposure to pollution, dust, heat and humidity it is imperative that you take steps to protect that mane. Tying the hair up, when outside, and covering the head with a scarf could keep away from such unhealthy exposure, as advised by hair stylist Rod Anker.

Tip 9: As aromatherapist Dr Blossom Kochchar suggests, people suffering from hair fall should apply a mixture of castor and sweet almond oil on the scalp. Apply this with the help of a cotton ball and massage gently with your fingertips.

Tip 10: Regular straightening, colouring, blow drying and perming should be avoided as these commonly cause hair loss. With consistent check on ours diets, some yoga and exercise, as well certain haircare practices, it would be rather easy to fight hair loss and avoid it.

Image source: Getty Images


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