Home News Bad Habits That Make You Look Old

Bad Habits That Make You Look Old

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10 Bad Habits That Make You Look Older Than Your Actual Age!

Everyone faces the aging journey, though some travel through it with more beauty and grace than others. When it comes to helping yourself look good as you move into your golden years, it isn’t so much about what you should be doing but what you shouldn’t be doing. Here are some bad habits that will make you look much older than you are.

Worship the Sun

Many people want a beautiful warm glow on their skin, but the long term results on aging are disastrous. The sun gives the body what is needed to make vitamin D, but it also sends out harmful UV rays. Wearing a sunscreen with a high level of SPF can prevent skin damage, discoloration, and cancer. Too much sun also contributes to premature wrinkling of the skin.

Poor Dental Hygiene

People generally dislike visiting the dentist, but poor dental hygiene can lead to stained and discolored teeth. It can also lead to cavities, tooth decay, and serious cases of gum disease. Any of these conditions could lead you to a single missing tooth Palm Beach FL dental surgeons would have to correct. False teeth, or dentures, are often attributed to old age, but poor dental health could get you there faster than you realized.

Being Too Thin

Though social culture seems to appreciate tiny and petite, being too thin can actually make you look older. The loss of facial fat creates a gaunt appearance with sagging eyes. Yo-yo dieting also contributes to the aged look, as repeat cycle of weight gain and loss stretches your skin and makes it appear looser. Maintaining a healthy diet can keep your weight in check and give your body the nutrition it needs to look healthy.

Few people want to admit their age, must less look like it. By getting rid of these bad habits, you increase the chances that your appearance won’t betray you on your next birthday.

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