Home Hair Loss 5 solutions to consider for fighting hair loss

5 solutions to consider for fighting hair loss

6 min read

Fighting hair loss can be a difficult process as there are a number of variables that can cause it. Whether it is hereditary or is caused by a lack of nutrients, this can all affect confidence and leave the hair looking thinner and damaged. In this article, we will be providing you with 5 solutions to consider when fighting hair loss to keep you feeling confident and looking great at all times.

Avoid Styling On High Heat

One of the most common mistakes that people make when looking to care for their hair is styling on high heats. Not only can this affect the structure of the hair, but it can also lead to split ends and dryness. This is an issue for hair loss as this can lead to the hair falling out over time. To prevent this from happening allow your hair to air dry as often as possible and ensure that you avoid wrapping hair in a towel as this can just do further damage.

Try Using Products For Your Hair Type

In addition to avoiding styling on high heat, it is also beneficial to use products that are especially suited for your hair. If you have a hair type that is oily but normal thickness it is important to choose a shampoo that perfectly caters to this whilst keeping the scalp healthy. The cleaner your scalp is, the more likely you are to see hair growth as a result. This is key when experiencing hair loss as this increase in blood flow can encourage the hair to grow by removing stagnation and allowing oxygen to get to the hair.

Try A Medical Treatment

If you are unsuccessful in preventing hair loss, then it may be worth trying a professional treatment such as a laser hair treatment or a procedure from one of the most experienced hair transplant UK specialists. This can help to reduce the appearance of hair loss as well as increase confidence allowing you to return to your normal self in no time at all.

Wash Your Hair Less

Through washing your hair every day may seem necessary if you are someone that suffers from greasy hair, it is important to reduce the amount that you wash your hair throughout the week. By opting for dry shampoo on in-between days, you can help to keep the hair looking great without washing as frequently. By washing the hair every day, you are stripping the natural oils out and run the risk of leaving the hair brittle. By washing your hair every other day with the correct shampoo and conditioner, you can prevent the hair from becoming brittle and damaged whilst promoting overall growth.

Avoid Hair Styles That Can Cause Stress

The final way that you can combat hair loss is by avoiding hairstyles that can cause stress to the hair such as high ponytails and tight buns. By swapping these hairstyles for plaits and natural hair this can prevent damage and can also encourage the hair to repair itself over time. In addition to this, brushing the hair from the bottom to the top will help to minimise the damage done to the hair whilst keeping your hair free of knots.

With this in mind, there are a number of small changes that can be made to your daily routine to ensure that your hair is protected whilst providing it with the moisture that it needs over time to prevent against the appearance of split ends. Which of these techniques will you be using first?


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