Home News The Oil Cleansing Method: Can You Use Essential Oil?

The Oil Cleansing Method: Can You Use Essential Oil?

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Oil Cleansing Method: What Is It And Methods For Various Skin Conditions

The oil cleansing method has been around for a while now, but it has recently become popular and many people are trying out this cleansing method. The scientific approach to this method is that oil attracts oil and it can dissolve all the build-up dirt by cleansing the pores. This a natural and beneficial way to gently clean and nourish the skin without stripping the natural moisture away. Many people are of the view that oil cleansing will not work on acne-prone skin, but it can work for all skin types, including oily and acne-prone skin. However, you do need to make sure to use the correct ratio and the type of oil, based on your skin type and needs.

When it comes to oily acne-prone skin, many believe that the harsher the cleansers are, they will do a better job, but they only end up drying out the skin, and as a result, the skin will try to overcompensate for the dryness by producing oil. But the oil cleansing method is completely different than the normal cleansing method, they will cleanse your oil naturally without stripping away your natural moisture while cleaning clogged pores and breaking down the dirt. Once you start doing this process for a while, you will see noticeable changes in your skin and the acne will start clearing up.

How Does The Oil Cleansing Method Work?

Using the cleansing oil method is a great way to clean your skin without drying them out. Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin condition, our skin naturally secretes oil, and as chemistry states “like dissolves like”, meaning the oil that you lather on your skin to clean will attract the oil that is in your skin and purify them of dirt. So, when you are doing the oil cleansing method, you are naturally dissolving and cleaning away the dirty oil and build-ups from your face naturally with nourishing oil. And since there will be no harsh chemicals involved, your skin will not feel super tight and dry.

Best Oils You Can Use For Oil Cleansing:

One of the best oil that you can use for the oil cleansing method is castor oil. It is highly anti-bacterial and is excellent for cleansing. Castor oil is one oil that you should always include in your oil cleansing method. However, it can be drying, so dilute the ratio according to your skin type. If you have dry skin, you should avoid using too much castor oil, instead dilute it with an oil that is suitable for dry skin. Jojoba oil is great for acne-prone skin and as well as for all skin types. Sweet Almond, Grapeseed, Avocado, Sunflower seed, Olive, and more. If you are planning to use Coconut oil for the oil cleansing method, you should avoid it as it is known to clog pores.

Steps To Do The Oil Cleansing Method:

Here is an easy step that you can follow for the oil cleansing method. The first step is to prepare, you can either mix the oil and keep it in a bottle or do it when you are about to start. You do not have to clean your skin before starting, you can use the oil cleansing method with a dirty face and even with makeup on. Gently pat your face with lukewarm water, pour the oil into your palm and start massaging. When you are massaging, remember to move in an upward direction, you can massage for about 2-5 minutes, and then let the oil sit for about 20-30 minutes depending on your preference. You can then rinse off with lukewarm water or damp a washcloth in warm water and then gently wipe your face.

When you are doing the oil cleansing method, you can also dilute a small portion of essential oil into the castor oil and other oil of your preference. You can get high-quality essential oil from Young Living for this purpose. Also, keep in mind that it can take few days for your skin to adjust.

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