Home Hair Loss Vitamins Needed For Hair Growth And Their Sources

Vitamins Needed For Hair Growth And Their Sources

3 min read

Triggering hair growth is a tricky business. Hair oils, hair creams, hair masks, shampoos, conditioners… there is a plethora of products available in the market which claim to improve your hair quality, strength and growth. However, while indulging ourselves in these fancy hair care processes, we tend to forget that excess chemicals and lack of certain nutrients can also be the reason for depleting hair quality and hair fall. So here is a list of vitamins which are essential for heathy hair:
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for the growth of all kinds of cells. It helps the skin glands in making sebum, an oily substance that moisturises scalp and keeps hair healthy. Sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach are all good sources of vitamin A.
Biotin B-vitamin is one of the most popular vitamins for hair growth. Other B-vitamins help in creation of red blood cells which carry oxygen and nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles, thus facilitating hair growth. Whole grains, meat, seafood and leafy greens are all good sources of B-vitamins.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C creates collagen, which is an important part of hair structure. Also, it helps in absorbing iron, a mineral important for hair growth. Good sources of Vitamin C are strawberries, peppers, guavas and citrus fruits.
Vitamin D
Low levels of Vitamin D leads to hair loss. Additionally, Vitamin D helps in creating hair follicles. Direct sun’s rays are an excellent source of Vitamin D. Fatty fish, cod liver oil and some mushrooms are other good sources of Vitamin D.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another essential antioxidant vitamin that garners hair growth. Good sources of vitamin E include sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocados.


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